


研究方向/领域 :




张跃宏,副教授,硕士生导师,陕西科技大学“青年拔尖人才”,主持国家自然科学基金、省自然科学基金等在内的项目6项;参与10余项科研项目;在ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering,Industrial Crops and Products,Soft Matter等期刊发表SCI论文17篇,被引200余次;其中,以第一作者和通讯作者发表的SCI论文共11篇;参编《大豆蛋白基高分子材料》著作1部;申请或已授权国家发明专利3项;2018年由于在“人造板用无醛脱脂豆粉胶黏剂的关键技术创新和产业化”的贡献获得梁希林业科学技术二等奖。研究工作主要以生物质资源为原料,通过物理、化学或者生物等手段来实现其绿色转化与高附加值加工利用。担任学术期刊编委情况:Journal of Chemistry的客座编辑(Guest editor)







[1] Yuehong Zhang, Yuzhan li, Liwei Wang, Zhenhua Gao, Michael.R Kessler*. Synthesis and Characterization of Methacrylated Eugenol as a Sustainable Reactive Diluent for a Maleinated Acrylated Epoxidized Soybean Oil Resin. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2017, 5(10):8876-8883.

[2] Yuehong Zhang, Wuquan Zhu, Ying Lu, Zhenhua Gao*, Jiyou Gu. Nano-Scale Blocking Mechanism of MMT and Its Effects on The Properties of Polyisocyanate-Modified Soybean Protein Adhesive. Industrial Crops and Products, 2014, 57:35-42.

[3] Zhenhua Gao*, Yuehong Zhang, Bo Fan, Lei-peng Zhang, Junyou Shi*. The Effects of Thermal-Acid Treatment and Crosslinking on The Water Resistance of Soybean Protein. Industrial Crops and Products, 2015, 74:122-131.

[4] Yuehong Zhang, Vijay Kumar Thakur, Yuzhan li, Thomas F Garrison, Zhenhua Gao*, Jiyou Gu, Michael R. Kessler*. Soybean Oil-Based Thermosetting Resins with Methacrylated Vanillyl Alcohol as Bio-Based, Low Viscosity Comonomer. Macromolecular Material and Engineering, 2018, 303(1):1700278.

[5] Binghan Zhang, Jin Li, Yufei Kan, Jianfang Gao, Yuehong Zhang*, Zhenhua Gao*. The Effect of Thermo-Chemical Treatment on The Water Resistance of Defatted Soybean Flour-Based Wood Adhesive. Polymers, 2018, 10(9): 955.

[6] Yuehong Zhang, Yuzhan li, Vijay Kumar Thakur, Zhenhua Gao*, Jiyou Gu, Michael R. Kessler*. High Performance Thermosets with Tailored Properties Derived from Methacrylated Eugenol and Epoxy-Based Vinyl Ester. Polymer International, 2018, 67:544-549.

[7] Yuehong Zhang*, Bo Fan, Binghan Zhang, Leipeng Zhang, Zhenhua Gao*, Jiyou Gu. Mechanical Stability and Biodegradability Balance of Wood Fiber Reinforced Soybean Protein Composites. Polymer Composites, 2019, 40(3): 1228-1238.

[8] Yuehong Zhang, Yuzhan Li, Vijay Kumar Thakur, Liwei Wang, Jiyou Gu, Zhenhua Gao*, Bo Fan, Qiong Wu, Michael R Kessler*. Bio-Based Reactive Diluents as Sustainable Replacements for Styrene in MAESO Resin. RSC Advances, 2018, 8:13780-13788.

[9] Yuehong Zhang, Wuquan Zhu, Zhenhua Gao*, Jiyou Gu. Effects of Crosslinking on The Mechanical Properties and Biodegradability of Soybean Protein-Based Composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015, 132(5): 41387.

[10] Yuehong Zhang, Wuquan Zhu, Ying Lu, Zhenhua Gao*, Jiyou Gu. Water-Resistant Soybean Adhesive for Wood Binder Employing Combinations of Caustic Degradation, Nano-Modification, and Chemical Crosslinking. BioResources, 2013, 8(1):1283-1291.

[11] Binghan Zhang, Bo Fan, Ming Li, Yuehong Zhang*, Zhenhua Gao. Effects of Thermal Treatment on the Properties of Defatted Soya Bean Flour and Its Adhesion to Plywood. Royal Society Open Science, 2018, 5:180015.

[12] Daqian Gao, Bo Fan, Binghan Zhang, Yan Mi, Yuehong Zhang*, Zhenhua Gao. Storage Stability of Polyamidoamine-Epichlorohydrin Resin and Its Effect on the Properties of Defatted Soybean Flour-Based Adhesives. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2019.

 [13] Yuzhan Li, Yuehong Zhang, Orlando Rios, Jong K Keum, Michael R Kessler*. Liquid Crystalline Epoxy Networks with Exchangeable Disulfide Bonds. Soft Matter, 2017, 13:5021-5027.

[14] Yuzhan Li, Yuehong Zhang, Orlando Rios, Jong K Keum, Michael R Kessler*. Photo-Responsive Liquid Crystalline Epoxy Networks with Exchangeable Disulfide Bonds. RSC Advances, 2017, 7:37248-37254.

[15] Bo Fan, Leipeng Zhang, Zhenhua Gao*, Yuehong Zhang, Junyou Shi, Jiangzhang Li. Formulation of A Novel Soybean Protein-based Wood Adhesive with Desired Water Resistance and Technological Applicability. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2016, 133(27):43586.

[16] Qiong Wu, Gaoyue Zhang, Mingming Gao, Lang Huang*, Lu Li, Shiwei Liu, Congxia Xie, Yuehong Zhang, Shitao Yu. N-doped Porous Carbon from Different Nitrogen Sources for High-Performance Supercapacitors and CO2 Adsorption. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019,786:826-838.

[17] Qiong Wu, Mingming Gao, Gaoyue Zhang, Yuehong Zhang, Shiwei Liu, Congxia Xie, Hailong Yu, Yue Liu, Lang Huang* and Shitao Yu*. Preparation and Application Performance Study of Biomass-Based Carbon Materials with Various Morphologies by a Hydrothermal/Soft Template Method. Nanotechnology, 2019,30:185702.